• 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Mandates provide a relatively cost-effective strategy to increase vaccinate rates. Since 2014, five Australian states have implemented No Jab No Play (NJPlay) policies that require children to be fully immunised to attend early childhood education and childcare services. In Western Australia, where this study was conducted, NJNPlay legislation was enacted in 2019. While most Australian families support vaccine mandates, there are a range of complexities and unintended consequences for some families. This research explores the impact on families of the NJNPlay legislation in Western Australia (WA).
    METHODS: This mixed-methods study used an online parent/carer survey (n = 261) representing 427 children and in-depth interviews (n = 18) to investigate: (1) the influence of the NJNPlay legislation on decision to vaccinate; and (2) the financial and emotional impacts of NJNPlay legislation. Descriptive and bivariate tests were used to analyse the survey data and open-ended questions and interviews were analysed using reflexive thematic analysis to capture the experience and the reality of participants.
    RESULTS: Approximately 60% of parents intended to vaccinate their child. Parents who had decided not to vaccinate their child/ren were significantly more likely to experience financial [p < 0.001] and emotional impacts [p < 0.001], compared to those who chose to vaccinate because of the mandate. Qualitative data were divided with around half of participants supporting childhood immunisation and NJNPlay with others discussing concerns. The themes (a) belief in the importance of vaccination and ease of access, (b) individual and community protection, and (c) vaccine effectiveness, safety and alternatives help understand how parents\' beliefs and access may influence vaccination uptake. Unintended impacts of NJNPlay included: (a) lack of choice, pressure and coercion to vaccinate; (b) policy and community level stigma and discrimination; (c) financial and career impacts; and (d) loss of education opportunities.
    CONCLUSIONS: Parents appreciation of funded immunisation programs and mandates which enhance individual and community protection was evident. However for others unintended consequences of the mandate resulted in significant social, emotional, financial and educational impacts. Long-term evidence highlights the positive impact of immunisation programs. Opinions of impacted families should be considered to alleviate mental health stressors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Vaccine hesitancy (VH) has been a major contributor to large outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases globally, including in the United States.
    METHODS: Data from the 2019-2022 National Immunization Surveys were analyzed to assess parental hesitancy toward routine vaccination of their children aged 6 months -17 years. Joinpoint regression was employed to investigate trends in VH from 2019 to 2022 nationally overall and among socio-demographic subgroups. Using logistic regression, the difference between the prevalence of VH before and after the authorization of the COVID-19 vaccine for children aged 6 months-4 years, 5-11 years, and 12-17 years was computed. Both unadjusted and adjusted estimates were reported. VH was also compared within each socio-demographic subgroup with a reference level, at two-time points- before and after the authorization of the COVID-19 vaccine for each age group.
    RESULTS: Overall, VH remained around 19.0 % from Q2 2019 to Q3 2022. Parents of non-Hispanic Black children had the largest average quarterly decrease in VH (β = -0.55; p < 0.05 by test for trend). After the authorization of the COVID-19 vaccine for children aged 6 months to 4 years, the adjusted percentage of children having parents that reported VH decreased by 2.2 (95 % CI: -3.9, -0.6) percentage points (pp) from 21.6 % to 19.4 %. Conversely, for children aged 5-11 years, VH increased by 1.2 (95 % CI: 0.2, 2.3) pp, from 19.8 % to 21.0 %. VH among parents of non-Hispanic Black children decreased after the authorization of the COVID-19 vaccine for adolescents aged 12-17 years but remained significantly higher compared to parents of non-Hispanic White children before and after authorization of the COVID-19 vaccine for all age groups.
    CONCLUSIONS: About 1 in 5 children had parents reporting VH from 2019 to 2022. Parental VH increased after the authorization of the COVID-19 vaccine for children aged 5-11 years and declined for children aged 6 months-4 years.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Previous studies have shown that vaccination against measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) may have beneficial non-specific effects, reducing the risk of infections not targeted by the vaccine. We investigated if MMR vaccine given after the third dose of diphtheria-tetanus-acellular pertussis vaccine (DTaP3), was associated with reduced rates of antibiotic treatments.
    METHODS: Register-based cohort study following children from the age of recommended MMR vaccination until age 2 years. We included 831,287 children born in Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden who had received DTaP3 but not yet MMR vaccine. Cox proportional hazards regression with age as the underlying timescale and vaccination status as a time-varying exposure was used to estimate covariate-adjusted Hazard Ratios (aHRs) and inverse probability of treatment weighted (IPTW) HRs of antibiotic treatments. Summary estimates were calculated using random-effects meta-analysis.
    RESULTS: Compared with only having received DTaP3, receipt of MMR vaccine after DTaP3 was associated with reduced rates of antibiotic treatments in all countries: the aHR was 0.92 (0.91-0.93) in Denmark, 0.92 (0.90-0.94) in Finland, 0.84 (0.82-0.85) in Norway, and 0.87 (0.85-0.90) in Sweden, yielding a summary estimate of 0.89 (0.85-0.93). A stronger beneficial association was seen in a negative control exposure analysis comparing children vaccinated with DTaP3 vs two doses of DTaP.
    CONCLUSIONS: Across the Nordic countries, receipt of MMR vaccine after DTaP3 was associated with an 11% lower rate of antibiotic treatments. The negative control analysis suggests that the findings are affected by residual confounding. Findings suggest that potential non-specific effects of MMR vaccine are of limited clinical and public health importance for the milder infections treated out-of-hospital in the Nordic setting.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study explores attitudes toward diphtheria-tetanus-acellular pertussis (DTaP), measles-mumps-rubella (MMR), influenza, and coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccines among English-speaking and Spanish-speaking parents of infants in a safety-net setting. Parents aged 18 years or older were recruited from outpatient clinics between December 2020 and December 2021. The interviews were then recorded, transcribed, translated, and qualitatively analyzed using the modified grounded theory. Thirty-two individuals participated (18 English-speaking and 14 Spanish-speaking). Almost all supported receiving routine childhood vaccines, DTaP, influenza, and MMR and believed that vaccines promote health. Vaccine concerns differed by each vaccine. Few participants expressed concerns about DTaP and MMR vaccines. Concerns around influenza vaccines often stemmed from personal experience and perceived increased risk of flu-like illnesses. Participants expressed the most concerns related to COVID-19 vaccinations, including age-based immunity of their infants. Based on these findings, future interventions to improve vaccine uptake may focus on benefits common to all vaccines, while addressing vaccine-specific concerns.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To reduce the number of COVID-19 cases, vaccines were rapidly made available worldwide. For a strategically targeted response to the COVID-19 pandemic, population vaccination coverage was to be maximized. The target groups also included healthy children. In this context, it is important to understand the determinants and beliefs that lead parents to favor or oppose COVID-19 immunization in children. This study aimed to investigate parents\' COVID-19 vaccination willingness in Germany for children aged 5-11 years in 2021/2022. For this purpose, the determinants and beliefs behind parents\' vaccination decisions were examined. Descriptive analysis and bivariate correlations were performed on COVID-19 vaccination willingness and parents\' mental health status, general vaccination attitudes, and SARS-CoV-2 politics perceptions. In total, 2401 participants fully participated in this cross-sectional study. The COVID-19 vaccination uptake (71.4%) outweighed the vaccination refusal (19.4%). Correlations revealed higher vaccine acceptance in parents presenting full vaccination certificates (90.9%), COVID-19 immunizations (99.9%), or increased COVID-19 fear (93.6%). Vaccination-refusal was associated with higher perceived pressure by COVID-19 vaccination campaigns (87.7%), higher experienced restrictions due to COVID-19 protective measures in parents\' social environment (83.6%), and engagement against COVID-19 protective measures (51.6%). Besides general anxiety, no significant correlations were observed between parents\' mental health variables and vaccination willingness. Although several factors are ultimately associated with vaccination willingness, future vaccination campaigns should prioritize reducing pressure, increasing trust, and considering parents\' differentiation between familiar and unfamiliar pathogens during their vaccination decision-making process.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The AEP Immunization Calendar for 2024, with its immunization recommendations for pregnant women, children and adolescents residing in Spain, marks the 25th edition since the first one was introduced in 1995, being annual since 2003, as a vaccination calendar, and since 2023 as immunization schedule due to the inclusion of a monoclonal antibody for the prevention of RSV disease. Novelties for this year include the following: The rest of the recommendations from the previous calendar remain unchanged.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Pakistan still has ongoing transmission of wild type polio virus. This study aims to determine changes in full vaccination with recommended Expanded Program on Immunization vaccines, including polio, by several socio-economic and demographic factors.
    METHODS: We used three waves of Pakistan\'s Demographic and Health Survey, a population-based cross-sectional study from 2006-07 (N = 1471), 2012-13 (N = 1706), and 2017-18 (N = 1549), analyzed by residence, wealth, and sociodemographic factors. Analysis was limited to children aged 12-23 months in Punjab, Sindh, Northwest Frontier Province/Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan. Full vaccination was measured as receipt of one Bacillus Calmette-Guérin dose, one measles dose, 3 polio doses, and 3 Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis doses. Odds ratios (ORs) and 95 % confidence intervals (CIs) from logistic regression were used to determine associations between undervaccination and demographic variables.
    RESULTS: Full vaccination coverage was 50.6 % in 2006-07, 54.7 % in 2012-13, and 68.3 % in 2017-18. In 2006-07, the odds of undervaccination were significantly higher in Sindh (OR: 1.74, 95 % CI: 1.30, 2.31) than Punjab, and disparities across province changed over time (P < 0.0001); notably, undervaccination was significantly higher in Sindh, KPK, and Balochistan than Punjab in 2017. Compared to the middle wealth quintile, the poorest had significantly higher odds of undervaccination in 2006-07 (OR: 2.58, 95 % CI: 1.76, 3.78), and this did not significantly change over time (P = 0.2168). The proportion of those with a polio birth dose increased across waves from 56.3 % in 2006-07 to 83.7 % in 2017-18; receiving three or more polio vaccine doses remained unchanged.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study showed that the proportion of fully vaccinated children in Pakistan increased across three waves. Full vaccination and administration of polio vaccine birth doses have increased recently in Pakistan. The association between undervaccination with province differed significantly across the waves, with vaccination disparities between provinces increasing. Those in the poorest wealth quintile had the greatest odds of undervaccination.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In Aotearoa New Zealand, there has been a marked decrease in the uptake of routine childhood vaccinations since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly among Māori and Pacific children. This Māori and Pacific-centered research used an interpretive description methodology. We undertook culturally informed interviews and discussions with Māori and Pacific caregivers (n = 24) and healthcare professionals (n = 13) to understand their perceptions of routine childhood vaccines. Data were analyzed using reflexive thematic analysis and privileged respective Māori and Pacific worldviews. Four themes were constructed. \"We go with the norm\" reflected how social norms, health personnel and institutions promoted (and sometimes coerced) participants\' acceptance of routine vaccines before the pandemic. \"Everything became difficult\" explains how the pandemic added challenges to the daily struggles of whānau (extended family networks) and healthcare professionals. Participants noted how information sources influenced disease and vaccine perceptions and health behaviors. \"It needed to have an ethnic-specific approach\" highlighted the inappropriateness of Western-centric strategies that dominated during the initial pandemic response that did not meet the needs of Māori and Pacific communities. Participants advocated for whānau-centric vaccination efforts. \"People are now finding their voice\" expressed renewed agency among whānau about vaccination following the immense pressure to receive COVID-19 vaccines. The pandemic created an opportune time to support informed parental vaccine decision-making in a manner that enhances the mana (authority, control) of whānau. Māori and Pacific-led vaccination strategies should be embedded in immunization service delivery to improve uptake and immunization experiences for whānau.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Routine childhood immunisation is one of the most important life-saving public health interventions. However, many children still have inadequate access to these vaccines and millions remain (partially) unvaccinated globally. As the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted health systems worldwide, its effects on immunisation have become apparent. This study aimed to estimate routine immunisation coverage among children under two in Sierra Leone and to identify factors associated with incomplete immunisation during the COVID-19 pandemic.
    A cross-sectional household survey was conducted in three districts in Sierra Leone: Bombali, Tonkolili and Port Loko. A three-stage cluster sampling method was followed to enrol children aged 10-23 months. Information regarding immunisation status was based on vaccination cards or caretaker\'s recall. Using WHO\'s definition, a fully immunised child received one BCG dose, three oral polio vaccine doses, three pentavalent vaccine doses and one measles-containing vaccine dose. Following the national schedule, full immunisation status can be achieved at 9 months of age. Data were weighted to reflect the survey\'s sampling design. Associations between incomplete immunisation and sociodemographic characteristics were assessed through multivariable logistic regression.
    A total of 720 children were enrolled between November and December 2021. Full vaccination coverage was estimated at 65.8% (95% CI 60.3%-71.0%). Coverage estimates were highest for vaccines administered at birth and decreased with doses administered subsequently. Adjusting for age, the lowest estimated coverage was 40.7% (95% CI 34.5%-47.2%) for the second dose of the measles-containing vaccine. Factors found to be associated with incomplete immunisation status were: living in Port Loko district (aOR = 3.47, 95% CI = 2.00-6.06; p-value < 0.001), the interviewed caretaker being Muslim (aOR = 1.94, 95% CI = 1.25-3.02; p-value = 0.015) and the interviewed caretaker being male (aOR = 1.93, 95% CI = 1.03-3.59, p-value = 0.039).
    Though full immunisation coverage at district level improved compared with pre-pandemic district estimates from 2019, around one in three surveyed children had missed at least one basic routine vaccination and over half of eligible children had not received the recommended two doses of a measles-containing vaccine. These findings highlight the need to strengthen health systems to improve vaccination uptake in Sierra Leone, and to further explore barriers that may jeopardise equitable access to these life-saving interventions.






  • 文章类型: Published Erratum
    [This corrects the article DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1245750.].





